Renaissance has over 20 years of experience working with housing authorities, developers, general contractors and others working on construction projects that require tracking. Renaissance has done compliance monitoring for housing authorities and developers to facilitate meeting funding source requirements. This includes monitoring:
Compliance Services
MWBE, SVDOB Contractual utilization
One of the most crucial pieces of meeting the goals of a project is engaging minority and women subcontractors and suppliers early in the process. There are regular meet and greets held so that contractors can have easy access to drawings and bid packets. In addition, Renaissance works with general contractors to parse out smaller portions of the job to encourage smaller minority and women contractors and suppliers to be a part of the project.
Minority, women and local labor utilization

Section 3 hiring
In order to ensure compliance and meet both Section 3 and minority and women labor utilization, Renaissance has a process that includes community outreach, recruiting fairs and work with local FSS and ROSS programs. This engagement with local community agencies allows for the creation of a database of potential hires for the project. This benefits both the community and subcontractors
Davis Bacon monitoring
Over the past 20 years Renaissance has performed field inspections on many jobs. This has included tracking Davis Bacon wages and tracking employees onsite. The process involves going onto a job site and randomly interviewing those on the job. A log is kept that includes the date and name, position, wages, fringe if included. Once the log is created, that information is compared to the certified payrolls that are submitted. This log is kept through the duration of the project. Additionally, if there is a question regarding the position Renaissance has worked with the general contractor to obtain a wage determination.